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Aim to make stronger social media connections, instead of gaining numbers.

Aim to make stronger social media connections, instead of gaining numbers.

More often than not two people connect on a social media platform and then never have contact again. Too many connections can mean that you are not personally connected to anybody.

Strong Social Media ConnectionsWhen you make a connection, send a personal message

We are not robots. We are people connecting with other people – online.Trying sending a friendly message when someone follows you, likes your page or adds you to their circles.

When you ask someone to connect on LinkedIn change the standard message – let them know why you want to connect with them.

This is a much better way to get to know someone and turn connections into relationships.

Drop someone a HELLO when you can

Think of your online connections in a similar way to your offline relationships. You get in touch from time to time and you should do that with your social networks too. Share interesting information, jokes, tips and tag your connections if you think they might be interested to make the post more personal.

Be interesting and helpful

Dig deep and share your extensive knowledge! You may think you are boring, but others may learn from you. We all want to expand our knowledge and that is the reason so many of us get online; to read articles or watch videos. You have something special to share – do just that! Your connections need a reason to keep following you and to return to your page.

Do mix business and pleasure

A lot of small business owners worry about mixing business with pleasure. I say it time and time again – WE ARE ALL HUMAN. In a small business YOU ARE THE PERSONALITY. The most successful posts are those that are a bit of fun – they get reactions. Don’t be boring. It’s easy to become a robot when using social media, don’t be that person. You can be professional and you can enjoy it.

Don’t use automatic updates

Automatic updates on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media platform are very impersonal and damaging. Your connections will know they are automatic and more than likely unfollow you because they do not want those messages in their stream. Would you? It takes a minute to copy and paste your post and personalise it for each network. And it is much more valuable.

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