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What is responsive web design?

Active 0 Reply 191 Views 2017-12-26 11:40:57 Technology

Responsive web design (RWD) is when a website responds to the device that the user is viewing it on. The website is fluid and changes to fit the users screen.

For small websites responsive design can be more efficient then a separate mobile site because all inbound links and shares come from one place.

Items can thoughtfully be left out of a responsive website – like large images from the mobile version. That means the user doesn’t have to download them on a mobile data plan (4G).

Technical: The HTML code is sent to all devices and CSS is used to alter the rendering of the page on the device. If set up correctly Googlebot (Googles crawler) will be able to access all pages and assets to enable Google to rank the website.

Why choose responsive web design over a mobile site?

Responsive web design is recommended for small businesses because:

It’s easier for users to share and link to your content with a single domain (URL).

Google can easily index the pages and does not have to signal corresponding desktop pages.

Less design/programming time goes into maintaining each different page. This also reduces the possibility of mistakes.

The user does not get redirected to a mobile site, reducing load time.

Responsive web design pages are crawled by a single Googlebot user agent, which only needs to crawl the page once, rather than crawling multiple pages with different Googlebot user agents. Crawling efficiency indirectly helps Google index more of your site’s content and keep it fresh.

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